Michelson's recent researches on light. By Joseph Lovering, President (April 10, 1889).

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or the Sierra Nevada, stations from 20 to 30 miles distant could be found, and with no greater loss of light from absorption than is produced by 2 or 3 miles of common air.

The first experiments made in Great Britain for the measurement of the velocity of light were published by James Young and Prof. G. Forbes in the Philosophical Transactions of 1882. They adopted the method of Fizeau. In 1878, between six and seven hundred observations were made; but the number of teeth in the rotating wheel was insufficient. New experiments were made in 1880-’81 across the river Clyde. Two reflectors were used at unequal distances, and the time was noted when an electric light after the two reflections was at its maximum. The corrected distances for the two mirrors were 18, 212. 2 and 16, 835 feet. After an elaborate mathematical discussion of the theory of this method, the velocity of light was placed at 187, 221 miles. This value exceeded those obtained by Cornu or Michelson; but this might be explained by the color of the light used in the different experiments. Mr. Young and Professor Forbes made some experiments with lights of different colors, in confirmation of this view. But Professor Michelson compared his three hundred and eighteen observations with sunlight and two hundred and sixty-seven observations with electric light, and found that the difference was in the opposite direction; and in a differential experiment, when half the slit was covered with red glass, he found no displacement. Young and Forbes were attracted to their experiments on the velocity of light by Maxwell’s speculations on the electro-magnetic theory of light, and also as promising the most accurate method of obtaining the parallax and distance of the sun. Their velocity of light combined with Struve’s constant of aberration made the sun’s parallax 20″. 445, and its distance 93, 223, 000 miles.

When Arago, in 1838, suggested to the French Academy an experiment on the velocity of light, and explained his method of making it, which was essentially the one afterwards adopted by Foucault, he had in view the settlement of the long controversy between the advocates of the corpuscular and undulatory theories. Almost all of the different classes of phenomena in geometrical optics can be explained by either one of these theories, though even here the undulatory has the advantage of greater simplicity. But in one respect the two theories are antagonistic. According to the corpuscular theory, light should move faster in glass or water than in air, for example. The undulatory theory reversed this proposition. Here was an experimentum crucis. In 1850, Fizeau and Foucault made the experiment, each in his own way, and in both experiments the result was in favor of the theory of undulations. It has been shown that in the case of air alone lengths of many thousand feet are practicable. But the absorbing power of water prevents the use of greater lengths than about 10 feet. Light would pass through 10 feet of air in less time than one eighteen-thousandth of a second;

and the difference of time for air and water would be only a fraction of that small fraction. Hence the exceeding delicacy of the experiment.

In 1883, Mr. Michelson, at the request of Professor Newcomb, repeated Foucault’s experiments for finding the difference of velocity of light in air and water. Foucault did not aspire to quantitative precision in his results. The experiments of Michelson proved that the ratio of the velocities was inversely as the indices of refraction. The velocity with sunlight was a little greater than with the electric light; which opposes the conclusion of Young and Forbes. When Mr. Michelson covered half of the slit with red glass, the two halves of the image were exactly in line. Experiments were also made on the velocity of light in carbon disulphide, which led to the inference that its index of refraction was 1.77, and that orange-red light traveled from one to two per cent, faster than greenish blue light. Mr. Michelson was enabled to make this investigation by a grant from the trustees of the Bache Fund.

Various other methods of measuring the velocity of light have been proposed. About 1850, Laborde suggested, in a letter to Arago, a mechanical method of measuring the velocity of light. He supposes two disks, with many holes at the outside, connected by a very long axis and rotating rapidly. The light which was sent out through a hole in one wheel would be transmitted or arrested by the second wheel, behind which an observer was stationed. The distance between the wheels, the time of rotation, and the order of the eclipse, would be sufficient for calculating the velocity of light. Laborde imagined an enormous axis more than 200,000 miles long. Moigno recommended the substitution of a mirror for the observer and the second wheel, which would double the distance travelled by the light. A distance of 1,640 feet, a disk 25 feet in radius, with 1,000 holes, and turning 360 times a second, would be more than sufficient to surprise the reflected ray and stop it.

In 1874, Burgue suggested a new way of finding the velocity of light by experiment. If a white disk, with a black radius, is rotated rapidly, and at each turn is illuminated by an instantaneous flash, this radius will appear immovable. If this flash is reflected on the disk from a distant mirror, the black radius will be displaced. No details of the arrangement of apparatus and no experiments were published.

In 1885, Wolf proposed the following arrangements: Two mirrors were placed 5 meters apart and facing each other. The radius of curvature of each mirror was 5 meters. The first mirror was 0.20 of a meter in diameter; the other, 0.05 meter, revolved rapidly (two hundred turns a second). A slit was made in the center of the large mirror through which light was sent to the small mirror, forming an image on the surface of the large mirror; this image became an object for the small mirror, forming another image on the larger mirror, at a distance from the first mirror depending on the velocity of rotation. These images could be sent out laterally by an inclined plate of thin glass, and their distance measured by a micrometer. Wolf expected advantages from